The establishment of the Palestinian Authority post

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Mobile post offices which never operated


In the 2nd half of 1997 , a year and half after first post office openings - the Pal. Auth. operated few dozens of post offices and agencies throughout the West Bank area . Officials at the head office sought to expand the service to additional villages, spread all over the West Bank . Although the villages were not opened as postal agencies , at the Israeli period 1967-1994 ( but served as "Telephone” service centers) , they functioned as such under the Jordanian rule ( - to 1967 ) . A new idea was, to operate lines of Mobile Post Offices , similar to ones operating in Israel and several other countries . . According to this model , which operates in Israel since the early fifties . A special built " Mobile post office” car lives one of the central post offices and travells through the the villages according to a pre- planned path . It stops for a few minutes at every village according to necessity and delivers and posts mail . In this format operated , under Israel, M.P.Office named "Qeta Aza” in the Gaza Strip until 4. May.1994 - when closed under Oslo -A- agreement together with all Israeli offices.

Mobile post office in the West Bank.

Palestinian Authority planned to run two mobile posts lines from Ramallah .Appropriate postmarks were prepared for these lines named Mobile post -1- and mobile post -2- . . Not known what had to be their routes and which communities were these lines should serve . As per my regular practice , I have kept several dozens of franked envelopes at the manager of posts in Ramallah to be used and posted at each occaision of any new post office opening in the West Bank . No public notices were published for such openings ( at least to my knowledge) . Due to this , and although no advance notice had been given to me , I have received envelopes carring the postmarks of these two new lines supposedly on their first day of use . Thus I received on 28.June 1997 envelopes with the 28.June.1997 Mobile post -2- and day later on 29.June.1997 the envelopes of the Mobile post -1- .

The envelopes carried the postmarks and sent from the post office in Ramallah as evidenced by the Registration labels pasted on them .


As it turned out , the first day of the mobile post office was also ……………………..the LAST DAY ! In fact the service was never operational and envelopes sent to me from Ramallah on the " First Day " , are the only documentation of the plan to run Mobile Post offices services under the Pal. Auth postal system . . 

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