The establishment of the Palestinian Authority post

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Chapter 7 : Forms

Registered Mail

Registration labels Blue label Two label types known

Type -1- Name of the post printed on the label

Type -2- 'Mute' (empty) label . Post office name - handwritten

Black label Two label types known:

Type -1- Large -R-, locality name in non bold letters

Type -2- Small -R- locality name bold

Box cachets
Two types of Reg. box cachets known :

Type -1- Wide flat rectangular box cachet

Type -2- High rectangular box cachet

Manual ,handwritten (pen), registration

Manual (handwritten) by pen registry, was probably ,
due to the lack of the regular labels supply..
Registration carried out in a variety of ways .

Example -1- Reg. in frame

Example -2- Reg. without frame

USE of old type labels

An unusual use of an old , obsolete REG. Label , from the , Israeli period, ,
was found at the post office of Hevron . The Israel inscription was erased by blue pen .
A similar case was found recently on a commercial cover from Betlehem .
(see detail in link)

Use of pricing stickers , as substitute for Reg. Labels

An unusual substitute for Reg. labels was found in which
grocery pricing stickers were used with an additional letter -R- handwritten.

Registered mail receipts and forms

Receipts for delivery of registered mail

Four types of receipts for registered mail delivery were documented .

Type -1- inscription in Arabic and English

Type -2- Inscription in Arabic only

Type -3- Inscription in Arabic and English plus a small eagle

Type -4- Inscription in Arabic and English plus a large eagle

USE of old forms

UNUSUAL , probably due to lack of appropriate receipts , at the early days ,
remaining stock of the Israeli period were used .
In a single case, even receipts from two decades ago,
the jordanian post - came to life on the 1st day !

Israeli receipt type

Pre 1967 , Jordanian post (!) , form used at Tarqumya post on the 1st day . Only known case

Multi posting receipt form of registered letters

Three types of multi posting forms known from the early period

Type -1-

Type -2-

Type -3-

Avis de reception ( A,R.)

forms Confirmation of delivery within the country

Type -1- white

Type -2- Blue

Overseas delivery confirmation (A.R.)

Type -1- Orange

Type -2- Pink

A.R. , registered posted letters. FRONT (left) REAR (right)
(Lower left front cover bears a 1000 MILS stamp concealed by 600+400 FILS stamps, total = 1000 FILS)

Auxiliary cachets

Prepaid letters with "POSTE PAID" cachets

"To Pay" tax cachets

Parcel post

Parcel post shipping labels

Parcel post shipping labels , designated in two parts ,
the lower part is pasted to the package and the top pasted to the customer parcel card . which accompanies the package
and on arrival signed by the receiver .

Due to lack of the standard label at the early period ,
postmasters used different means to prepare substitutes to the standard one . Four other types of provisional parcel post
labels are known from this transition period . .

Standard Label

This is the regular standard label

Use of Reg. -R- labels

Registration -R- labels used as substitute for parcel shipping label .

Plain numbered labels

This type of "mute” plain labels , which have two attached parts,
which can be separated , known to be used in small localities in Israel .
The sample shows half part, pasted to parcel or card . The post office name was handwritten .

Local designed handwritten label

This privately designed local hand made label is handwritten
including the parcel running number It is unknown if
made on original gummed paper .or pasted by glue .

Manual handwritten label

This is the most "basic’ possibility . The parcel serial Nr.
and the post office name were handwritten directly on the package and parcel card . .
This specific photo is from Jericho ( a-riha) .

Parcel post delivery forms

One type of within the country delivery form known

Overseas parcel delivery form

One type of overseas delivery form known

And one type of customs form

Official Mail


Use of Israeli envelopes

In the early period , use was made of the large Israeli left stock of envelopes .
They consists of different . sizes and types .
Part were mute with no inscription and part with inscription which were deleted .
Each envelope was given an official cachet .

Pal. Auth. official imprinted envelopes

Palestinian Authority official imprinted envelopes were printed .
A number of types and sizes are known .

Official Cachets

Circular cachet

Oval cachet

Philatelic Service oval cachet

'Security', checked, triangular cachet

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